New Year's Eve
15/01/2015 21:00He clutched his chest,gasping from the sharp pain. No. Not again. Not now. He lay down and tried to steady his breathing. In out,in out. He could hear the people from the street. It was almost time now. If he could just at least crawl to the window and just see the fireworks.
He had done it at last. After years of dreaming and planning,he found himself in New York,the place to be on New Year's Eve. He had even managed to get a room within walking distance from where it was all going to happen. Times Square. The drop of the ball at midnight.
Oh,no. Not the left arm. And that sharp pain in the back. He could feel his heart beating faster now. He was all numb. In out,in out, tick,tock,tick,tock. The clock drew nearer to twelve with every breath,with every sound. The roaring of the street grew louder now. It was almost time. If he could just crawl to the window. Just for the fireworks. No. not again. Not now. Not like this. He could feel his sweat,cold,running down his spine. In out,in out. tick tock, tick tock.
And in an instant it was all over. The ball had dropped. The fireworks went off. It was all over. And he had missed everything.
His breath was steady now. One more panic attack,gone. One more New Year's Eve,gone. At least he was still alive. Wasn'the?
Written by Ms Paragon